Vacuum Heat Treatment
- Range of furnace sizes and capacities
- Temperatures up to 1,250 °C
- Controlled cooling rates down to 1degC/min (extending furnace times to over 20 hours)
- All control systems compliant to AMS2750 (extremely exacting American Aerospace Pyrometry Standard)
- Heat Treatment consultancy
- Up to 1,250 °C
- In Vacuum
- Rapid cooling using and back-filling in Argon / Helium / Nitrogen.
- High purity grades are used
- In vacuum or in atmospheric conditions.
- In vacuum or in atmospheric conditions.
Stress Relieving
- Normally lower temperatures up to 650 °C for part machined components.
- In vacuum or in atmospheric conditions.
Partial Pressure Heat Treatment
- All processes can be carried out in “hard vacuum” conditions through partial vacuums (of a range of gasses).
Cold Stabilisation
- Cryogenic cold stabilisation baths to minus 80 °C
- Stabilisation control compliant to AMS2750 (extremely exacting American Aerospace Pyrometry Standard)