Our R&D/Special Projects Consultant - Mike Eshelby


If your business needs assistance with any special or difficult applications, or with any R & D projects, Davis Scientific Treatments has the services of a very experienced Consultant, Mike Eshelby. His role is to advise us, in all confidential matters, and to lead any developmental or experimental work necessary.

To give some idea of his extensive experience, we list below a brief summary of his work background.

Should you wish to take advantage of Mike's knowledge, please give a call to Jackie Riley, our Office Manager, in the first instance.

Work background

Apprenticeship: general mechanical engineering

At Cambridge Scientific Instruments

-- instrument makers

-- tool makers

In Electron Probe D & D Division/Medical
At Wentgate Engineering

Shop floor to Works Manager

-- Vacuum Furnace manufacturer

-- Electron Beam Welder manufacturers
Founded own business, MJ Engineering

Manufacturer of vacuum furnaces and specialist vacuum equipment.
In Addition:
Founded EBS Ltd

Manufacturer of electron beam welders
Founded Vacuum Metal Treatments

Supplier of Vacuum heat treatment/brazing services
2005- Present
Heat treatments/vacuum furnaces Consultant

Operates as Sole Trader

Consults on wide range of issues relating to heat treatment, brazing, specialist processes, incl R & D

Consults on vacuum furnace manufacture, maintenance

Consults on specialist accreditation procedures

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phone: 01684 296601

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